The resit assessment enables you to demonstrate a variety of skills, such as, problem solving, communication skills, time-management and so on. The resit assessment is structured to encourage a mix of guided and active learning, innovative development, critical thinking and knowledge-based expertise of the subject.

The resit assessment requires you to develop a suitably complex interactive dashboard consisting of dynamic and interactive visualisations based on a given dataset and a dataset of your choice.
Resources to complete the assessment:
F21DV Canvas page
F21DV Material (
D3 Homepage/Documentation (
The requirements for the assessment are:
You need to conceptualise, develop, and test a prototype of your visualisations.
You need to plan, implement and debug prototype of your visualisations.
You need to incorporate these tested visualisations into designs and demonstrate/discuss/present them.
Requirements and Tasks
Part 1. Datasets
a) Given Datasets
The datasets that are provided and that you will be using to answer the queries in part 3, is the public COVID-19 dataset by ‘Our World in Data’. The csv file can be downloaded from the GitHub repository:
The COVID-19 Vaccinations dataset link:
The datasets will also be made available on the F21DV Canvas page.
b) Own Datasets
You must select your own dataset(s) to answer the queries in part 4. Your dataset need to be different from the ones
provided in part 1a.
Part 2. Overview Requirements
You should be familiar with the D3 library and its capabilities. For this assessment, you are provided with the datasets (Part 1) and you have to implement an interactive web-based application in D3. You need to explain and justify your selection of visualisation in the report. Any test data or resources used for the project, should be included when you submit the final report/code.
Exercise: Key requirements of the resit assessment
Web-based application written in D3 (vs 7) is required. No php or server-side code should be used.
You must be able to explain/demonstrate your code during one of the assigned lab sessions.
The layout and user interaction should be intuitive to the user.
In particular, transitions should be used to let the viewer know what data are new, changing, or exiting.
Marks are awarded for creativity of Visualisation techniques (Not for the website design) .
The student/project should show evidence of having detailed and critical knowledge of design patterns presented in the course and applied in the project.
The student/project should provide a critical analysis of the developed application (e.g. what are the limitations, improvements).
You must use version 7+ of D3. You will get 0 marks if you use an older version (e.g., v4/5/6).
JavaScript compiled from other languages (e.g. TypeScript) is not allowed. If such compilation is used, the project will be disqualified and awarded a mark of 0.
Your project (code) and report must be comprehensively documented and detailed. The code must be to the highest standard (e.g., commented code, naming convention, structured, organized, tested, ...).
Your application should meet the requirements listed in the table below:
Use of three different D3 layouts in a single dashboard
Use of automatic scaling of all axes in a single layout during data update.
Use of cross-layout brushing in which moussing over one data point in one chart highlights multiple associated data points in another chart. Note: you must use a different combination of layouts than the ones provided in lab examples.
Use of bidirectional interaction between three charts
Faceted selection interaction between two layouts (in which mouseover or click in one layout results in data being filtered in a second layout).
Use of a map layout that has interaction with another layout.
Use of scalar data on a map (e.g. circles of different sizes to indicate different weightage).
Use of cross-layout brushing in which dragging a rectangle over several data points in one chart highlights multiple associated data points in another chart.
Use of a clustering analysis
Part 3. Queries for given datasets
Exercise: Answer the following queries in your application using the datasets in part 1(a)
You are required to answer the queries in this part of the assessment to meet the requirements stated in part2. The queries should be answered by designing and implementing visualisation output in a dashboard, related to the COVID-19 datasets (part 1(a)).
Narrate the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic over the continents and specific countries (you can provide the narration for a selection of countries).
Is there a relation between the relative ‘wealth’ of a population and the evolution of the pandemic.
What is the effect of vaccinations on the spread of cases/deaths and display any effect (if any) that booster jabs have on the cases/deaths.
How does the geographical position of a country affect the evolution of COVID-19.
Part 4. Queries for your selected datasets
Exercise: Answer the following queries in your application using your selected dataset(s)
You are required to answer the queries in this part of the assessment to meet the requirements stated in part 2. The queries should be answered by designing and implementing visualisation output in a dashboard, related to your selected dataset(s) (part 1(b)).
Use your dataset(s) to implement an interactive visualisation dashboard to meet the requirements stated in part 2. Your dashboard needs to implement the concept of data storytelling.
Showcase an interactive example of a tree layout, or treemap, or circular packing from your dataset(s).
Realcode4you expert has top rated Data Visualization and Analytics experts that can do your D3.js work with a reasonable price.
For more details you can contact us at:
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