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Website Design using HTML and CSS | Hire Best Website Design Experts | Realcode4you


Project Objective

Design a website comprising minimum four webpages (or more, if required) using HTML and CSS on any one topic of your choice.

Some Suggested topics:


  • A website on Africa/ Australia giving information about location, area, physical features, climate, some major cities, etc.

History and Civics

  • A website on any Mughal Emperor, e.g., Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb giving information about their family, their interests, some of the works done by them or any major event/ s during their reign o Fundamental Rights and Duties


  • A website on cell o A website on classification of animals/ plants o A website on excretory system/ nervous system giving information about major organs, their functions, some common disorders, etc.

Any topic of your interest, such as, sports, interior design, environment etc.

Note: These are some broad suggestions. You may think of and work on something beyond this.


1 . The website must have minimum four webpages.

2. The homepage must have the following information:

  • Theme/ topic of your website

  • Introduction – What your website is about

  • Index with links to rest of the webpages in your website

  • Your name, class, and section

3. You must include the following aspects of HTML and CSS:

o Images

o List (Ordered or Unordered)

o Table

o Links- The homepage must be linked with rest of the webpages and vice-versa

o Minimum three CSS properties

4. Include bibliography giving credit for the content (text and images) on your website.

In this we are design website related to Africa country that has few functionality(Pages) like: Economy, Resources, Lands and People

Below the view of this simple website design:

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