In this post we will learn about three important sort algorithms which is given below:
Insertion sort
Selection sort
Bubble sort
Insertion sort
Have a look at this example, can you figure out the process of insertion sort?

Insertion sort
At each round i: {item 0, item 1, …, item i} are sorted

helicopter view pseudocode of Insertion Sort Algorithm of a list of integers
n = length-of(intList)
FOR i from 1 to (n-1)
// sort intList[0], intList[1], …, intList[i]
Look at each round in details:

helicopter view pseudocode of Insertion Sort Algorithm of a list of integers
n = length-of(intList)
FOR i from 1 to (n-1)
// sort intList[0], intList[1], …, intList[i]
At each round i: {item 0, item 1, …, item i} are sorted
pseudocode of round i
// sort intList[0], intList[1], …, intList[i]
k = i
WHILE k > 0 and intList[k-1] > intList[k]
swap intList[k] and intList[k-1]
k = k - 1
Put it together, we have the algorithm for Insertion Sort:
n = length-of(intList)
FOR i from 1 to (n-1)
// sort intList[0], intList[1], …, intList[i]
k = i
WHILE k > 0 and intList[k-1] > intList[k]
swap intList[k] and intList[k-1]
k = k - 1
Python implementation
def insertionSort(intList):
n = len(intList)
for i in range(1, n):
# sort intList[0], intList[1], ..., intList[i]
k = i
while (k > 0) and (intList[k-1] > intList[k]):
# swap intList[k] and intList[k-1]
temp = intList[k]
intList[k] = intList[k-1]
intList[k-1] = temp
k = k - 1
Suggested activities:
Make up a list of integers and write down in details each step in sorting this list of integers;
Sort a list of integers in descending order;
Sort a list of decimal numbers;
Sort a list of strings
Python List
A list/array is used to hold a list of items:
animal_list = ["dog", "cat", "frog"]
fibo_numbers = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
prime_numbers = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17]
subject_list = ["MATH101", "CS222", "PHY102", "ACCY203"]
selected_products = [] # this is an empty list
This is how we define a list:
list_variable = [item1, item2, …, itemN]
List items can be accessed via index:
fibo_numbers = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
print(fibo_numbers[0]) → 0
print(fibo_numbers[1]) → 1
print(fibo_numbers[2]) → 1
print(fibo_numbers[3]) → 2
print(fibo_numbers[4]) → 3
print(fibo_numbers[5]) → 5
print(fibo_numbers[6]) → 8
print(fibo_numbers[7]) → 13
items can be appended to the end of the list:
using len to find out how many items in the list:
animal_list = ["dog", "cat", "frog"]
animal_count = len(animal_list) → 3
Note that len(animal_list) is 3, but the last index is 2 because the index start at 0
print(animal_list[0]) → "dog"
print(animal_list[1]) → "cat"
print(animal_list[2]) → "frog"
Selection sort
Have a look at this example, can you figure out the process of selection sort?
At each round i: find the minimum in {item i, item i+1, … } and swap it to the position i
Look at each round in details:
Look at each round in details:
Algorithm for Selection Sort:
n = length-of(intList)
FOR i from 0 to (n-2)
among intList[i], intList[i+1], …, intList[n-1]
find the minimum item intList[kMin]
swap intList[i] and intList[kMin]
Python Implementation
def selectionSort(intList):
n = len(intList)
for i in range(0, n-1):
# find the minimum item in intList[i .. n-1]
kMin = i
for k in range(i+1, n):
if (intList[k] < intList[kMin]):
kMin = k
# swap intList[i] and intList[kMin]
if (kMin != i):
temp = intList[i]
intList[i] = intList[kMin]
intList[kMin] = temp
Bubble sort
Bubble (up) sort algorithm:
Go through the list, compares adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order;
Repeat this process until the list is sorted.
The name of the algorithm is derived from the fact that: after each round, the largest items are bubbled up towards the end of the list.
Let’s look at each round in details: (compares adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order)

Observe the movement of the largest item 100
We can see that after the 1st round, the largest item 100 is bubbled up to the end of the list.

We can see that after the 2st round, the 2nd largest item 90 is bubbled up to the right place towards the end of the list.

We can see that after the 3rd round, the 3rd largest item 80 is bubbled up to the right place towards the end of the list.

We can see that after the 4th round, the 4th largest item 70 is bubbled up to the right place towards the end of the list.

After the 5th round, the 5th largest item 60 is bubbled up to the right place towards the end of the list.

After the 6th round, the 6th largest item 50 is bubbled up to the right place towards the end of the list.

After the 7th round, the 7th largest item 40 is bubbled up to the right place towards the end of the list.

After the 8th round, the 8th largest item 30 is bubbled up to the right place towards the end of the list

After the 9th round, the 9th largest item 20 is bubbled up to the right place towards the end of the list - and the sorting is DONE!!!
n = length-of(intList)
FOR i from 0 to (n-2)
FOR j from 1 to (n-i-1)
// compare adj items, swap if in wrong order
IF intList[j-1] > intList[j]:
swap intList[j-1] and intList[j]
Python implementation
def bubbleSort(intList):
n = len(intList)
for i in range(0, n-1):
for j in range(1, n-i):
# compare adj items, swap if in wrong order
if intList[j-1] > intList[j]:
# swap intList[j-1] and intList[j]
temp = intList[j-1]
intList[j-1] = intList[j]
intList[j] = temp

Notice that in round 2, NOT a single swap is needed. It means that the list has already been sorted. NO NEED TO GO ANY FURTHER TO round 3, round 4, round 5, ..
Better algorithm:
n = length-of(intList)
FOR i from 0 to (n-2)
swapped = false
FOR j from 1 to (n-i-1)
// compare adj items, swap if in wrong order
IF intList[j-1] > intList[j]:
swap intList[j-1] and intList[j]
# remember that swap is needed
swapped = true
BREAK IF swapped = false
Python implementation
def bubbleSort(intList):
n = len(intList)
for i in range(0, n-1):
swapped = False
for j in range(1, n-i):
# compare adj items, swap if in wrong order
if intList[j-1] > intList[j]:
# swap intList[j-1] and intList[j]
temp = intList[j-1]
intList[j-1] = intList[j]
intList[j] = temp
# remember that swap is needed
swapped = True
if not swapped:
# swap is NOT needed, so list is SORTED
Suggested activities:
Make up a list of integers and write down in details each step in sorting this list of integers;
Sort a list of integers in descending order;
Write a Bubble (down) sort algorithm, so that after each round, the smallest items are bubbled down towards the start of the list;
Write a program to generate a random list of integers of length N;
Write a program to count how many comparison operations, and how many swap operations are needed to sort this random list using each sorting algorithms;
Repeat this program many times with a large sample of random lists of integers and display the statistics.
● Python 3 documentation
● NumPy Reference