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Milestone 1 (9):

1. User will be able to register a new account

  • Form Fields

- Username, email, password, confirm password(other fields


- Email is required and must be validated

- Username is required

- Confirm password’s match

  • Users Table

- Id, username, email, password (60 characters), created, modified

  • Password must be hashed (plain text passwords will lose points)

  • Email should be unique

  • Username should be unique

  • System should let user know if username or email is taken and allow the user to correct the error without wiping/clearing the form

- The only fields that may be cleared are the password fields

2. User will be able to login to their account (given they enter the correct


  • Form

- User can login with email or username

- This can be done as a single field or as two separate fields

- Password is required

  • User should see friendly error messages when an account either doesn’t exist or if passwords don’t match

  • Logging in should fetch the user’s details (and roles) and save them into the session.

  • User will be directed to a landing page upon login

- This is a protected page (non-logged in users shouldn’t have access)

- This can be home, profile, a dashboard, etc

3. User will be able to logout

  • Logging out will redirect to login page

  • User should see a message that they’ve successfully logged out

  • Session should be destroyed (so the back button doesn’t allow them access back in)

4. Basic security rules implemented

  • Authentication:

- Function to check if user is logged in

- Function should be called on appropriate pages that only allow logged in users

  • Roles/Authorization:

- Have a roles table (see below)

5. Basic Roles implemented

  • Have a Roles table (id, name, description, is_active, modified, created)

  • Have a User Roles table (id, user_id, role_id, is_active, created, modified)

  • Include a function to check if a user has a specific role (we won’t use it for this milestone but it should be usable in the future)

6. Site should have basic styles/theme applied; everything should be styled

  • I.e., forms/input, navigation bar, etc

7. Any output messages/errors should be “user friendly”

  • Any technical errors or debug output displayed will result in a loss of points

- User will be able to see their profile

  • Email, username, etc

8. User will be able to edit their profile

  • Changing username/email should properly check to see if it’s available before allowing the change

  • Any other fields should be properly validated

  • Allow password reset (only if the existing correct password is provided)

- Hint: logic for the password check would be similar to login

Milestone 2 (11):

1. User with an admin role or shop owner role will be able to add products to


  • Table should be called Products (id, name, description, category, stock, created, modified, unit_price, visibility [true, false])

2. Any user will be able to see products with visibility = true on the Shop page

  • Product list page will be public (i.e. doesn’t require login)

  • For now limit results to 10 most recent

  • User will be able to filter results by category

  • User will be able to filter results by partial matches on the name

  • User will be able to sort results by price

  • All filters are additive

3. Admin/Shop owner will be able to see products with any visibility

  • This should be a separate page from Shop, but will be similar

  • This page should only be accessible to the appropriate role(s)

4. Admin/Shop owner will be able to edit any product

  • Edit button should be accessible for the appropriate role(s) anywhere a product is shown (Shop list, Product Details Page, etc)

  • Edit name, description, category, stock, unit_price, visibility

5. User will be able to click an item from a list and view a full page with more info about the item (Product Details Page)

  • Name, description, unit_price, stock, category

6. User must be logged in for any Cart related activity below

7. User will be able to add items to Cart

  • Cart will be table-based (id, product_id, user_id, desired_quantity, unit_price, created, modified)

- Choose one and cross out which one you won’t support

- If a user can have only 1 cart product_id and user_id should be

a composite unique key

- If a user can have more than 1 cart, add a field called cart_id and

cart_id, user_id, and product_id will be a composite unique key

  • Adding items to Cart will not affect the Product's quantity in the Products table

9. User will be able to see their cart

  • List all the items

  • Show subtotal for each line item based on desired_quantity * unit_price (from the cart)

  • Show total cart value (sum of line item subtotals)

  • Will be able to click an item to see more details (Product Details Page)

10. User will be able to change quantity of items in their cart

  • Quantity of 0 should also remove from cart

  • A negative Quantity is not valid

11. User will be able to remove a single item from their cart via button click

12. User will be able to clear their entire cart via a button click

Milestone 3 (4):

1. User will be able to purchase items in their Cart

  • Create an Orders table (id, user_id, created, total_price, address, payment_method, money_received)

- Payment method will simply record (Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc)

We will not be recording CC numbers or anything of that nature, this is

just a sample and in real world projects you’d commonly use a third party payment processor

- Hint: This must be inserted first before you can insert into the Order

Items table

  • Create an OrderItems table (id, order_id, product_id, quantity, unit_price)

- Hint: This is basically a copy of the data from the Cart table, just persisted as

a purchase

  • Checkout Form

- Ask for payment method (Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc)

- Do not ask for credit card number, this is just a sample

- Ask for a numerical value to be entered 

- Note: this will be a fake payment check to compare against the cart total

to determine if the payment succeeds

- This will be recorded as money_received

- Ask for Address/shipping information

- You’ll need to concatenate this into a single string to insert into the DB

  • User will be asked for their Address for shipping purposes

- Address form should validate correctly

- Use this as a rough guide (likely you’ll want to prefill some of the

data you already have about the user)

  • Order process (comment each part of the process):

- Calculate Cart Items

- Verify the current product price against the Products table

- Since our Cart is table-based it can be long lived so if a user added a

Product at a sale and they attempt to purchase afterwards, it should pull the true Product cost.

- You can also show the Cart.unit_price vs Product.unit_price to show a sale or

an increase in price

  • Verify desired product and desired quantity are still available in the Products table

- Users can’t purchase more than what’s in stock

- Show an error message and prevent order from going through if

something isn’t available

- Let the user update their cart and try again

- Clearly show what the issue is (which product isn’t available, how much

quantity is available if the cart exceeds it)

  • Make an entry into the Orders table

  • Get last Order ID from Orders table

  • Copy the cart details into the OrderItems tables with the Order ID from the previous step

  • Update the Products table Stock for each item to deduct the Ordered Quantity

  • Clear out the user’s cart after successful order

  • Redirect user to Order Confirmation Page

  • Order Confirmation Page

- Show the entire order details from the Order and OrderItems table (similar

to cart)

- Including a the cost of each line item and the total value

- Show how they purchased and how much they paid

- Displays a Thank you message

  • User will be able to see their Purchase History

- For now limit to 10 most recent orders

- Show a summary of relevant information

- A list item can be clicked to view the full details in the Order Details Page

(similar to Order Confirmation Page except no “Thank you” message)

  • Store Owner will be able to see all Purchase History

- For now limit to 10 most recent orders

- A list item can be clicked to view the full details in the Order Details Pag

(similar to Order Confirmation Page except no “Thank you” message)

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