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MongoDB Homework Help | Get Help In MongoDB Queries

How to install MongoDB

MongoDB is a document database designed for ease of development and scaling. A record in MongoDB is a document, which is a data structure composed of field and value pairs. MongoDB documents are similar to JSON objects. The values of fields may include other documents, arrays, and arrays of documents. For ease and better understanding of the queries in mongoDB, i’ll be comparing SQL database structure with the database structure of mongoDB(NoSQL).


  1. SQL database consists of TABLES and NoSQL database consists of collections.

Which are simply different ways of representing and storing datas.

  1. Please go through the MongoDB documentation( ) on queries before going through the project to understand the basics .

Before writing queries let’s connect mongoDB atlas with our system :-

1) Download mongoDB Atlas from .

2) After installing mongoDB Atlas, open it and connect it with the required PORT or connect it with the default PORT(27017) by clicking on connect.

In next steps creating the database:

3) Create a new database and create a new collection inside of that database by selecting the CREATE DATABASE and entering name of database and collection

4) For this project import an existing dataset by clicking the IMPORT option under collection or you can add data manually.

5) After completing all the steps you are ready to start writing queries in the mongoDB atlas itself and later we’ll show how to write queries on any other terminal such as CMD prompt.

6) Here I have downloaded the dataset from, . Use the small dataset (ml-100) from the category MovieLens Latest Datasets section

Getting Started with Queries :-

1. Generate a list of movies that have “Adventure” as a genre.

Practice set:

You will explore movies data from the MovieLens database ( Use the small dataset (ml-100) from the category MovieLens Latest Datasets section. You will only need to create a collection for the movies and ratings data to answer the below questions.

Note: Make sure you import the ratings value as a number and not as a String.

Note 2: The import process will lead to some errors due to the presence of “,” in some titles. You will find some genres values are in error. You can ignore this.

Please answer the following questions and provide a screenshot:

Here The List of queries Which you need to Implement:

1. Generate a list of movies that have “Adventure” as a genre

Answer: See Export Below




2. Generate the movies that have been categorized into more than 2 genres

3. Generate a list of movies that have the “Children” genre and a user rating > 3

4. Generate all users whose average rating across the movies they have rated is greater than 3

5. What are the genres that appear in movies that are rated greater than 4?

6. Which Star Wars movie has the highest average user rating and what is the average rating?


A. What is the average rating of all movies with a date of 2008 in the title?

B. What is the average rating of all movies with Star Wars in the title?

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