SQL (Structured Query Language)
Can be used to Create, Drop, and Alter Tables (schema):
We will study that next week
Can be also be used to:
Retrieve data from tables – get slices of Data
Insert new data into tables
Update (modify) existing data in tables
We will study how to do that this lecture
Note: We must have the correct permissions to do these actions on the database. We will discuss in later class sessions
SQL as Data Definition Language
Can be used to create relations as well as additional information about relations, such as:
The schema of the relation
The data types of the values to be stored in the relation
The integrity constraints on the relation
The set of indices on the relation
Information about access privileges and security
The physical storage structure of the relation on the disk
SQL :: Creating a Table

SQL :: Inserting Records

SQL :: Querying & Retrieving Records

SQL :: Keywords & Symbols
To force elimination of duplicates, insert distinct after select
select distinct instructor_name from course
An asterisk (*) in the select clause denotes all attributes:
select * from instructor where salary > 50000
String-matching operator like for comparisons using patterns % character
select * from course where instructor_name like '%Mickey%'
List records in alphabetic order (ascending or descending)
select * from instructor order by name
select * from instructor order by name desc
select * from instructor order by name asc
SQL :: Aggregations
SQL supports the following aggregation functions:
avg: average value
min: minimum value
max: maximum value
sum: sum of values
count:number of value
select max(salary) from instructor
select sum(salary) from instructor
select count(*) from instructor where salary >50000
SQL Keywords - Aggregate Functions and Group By
Find the average salary of instructors in each department
select dept_name, avg (salary)
from instructor
group by dept_name;

Restriction on Aggregation with Group By
Attributes in select clause other than aggregate functions must appear in group by list
/* erroneous query */
selectdept_name, ID, avg (salary)
from instructor
group by dept_name;
Note: A very common mistake. But note that having ID in the SELECT clause in this query does not make sense since ID is not an attribute of departments (unlike average salary).
Restriction on Aggregation with Group By and with Having Clause
Find the names and average salaries of all departments whose average salary is greater than 50,000
select dept_name, avg (salary)
from instructor
group by dept_name
having avg (salary) > 50000;
Note: predicates in the having clause are filters on groups whereas predicates in the where clause are filters on the tuples that go into groups.