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U.S Used Vehicle Trends

Data for this project is sourced from :

Data source provides different statistics regarding used vehicle such as :

- Average vehicle priced per state

- Colors of vehicle

- Year of manufacturing

- The title condition of each vehicle

Average Price of Vehicle Sold per State & Effect of Vehicle Status(Based of 2499 cars sold via auction)


This data set is comprised of average price of used vehicle sold per state

The X-axis on the chart represents the state

The Y-axis on the chart represents the average price per title status of vehicle sold

The map showed average price of every vehicle sold nationally


This visualization was created to show which state has the best average price for

passenger car sold in the united states, this showed different demographics of

buyers per state based on average price of vehicle sold

The map visualization makes it easier to see the demographic of used car prices

across the nation

The stacked bar helped to visualize the mixed ratio between clean and salvage

titled cars


The average of Clean vs Salvage titled cars sold per state varied, with Idaho being the only state with 100% salvage titled cars sold through this research

Clean titled cars demanded more nationally, Salvaged titled cars are more popular in the lower range of the chart that denotes cheaper average price sold per vehicle

The used vehicle market in Kentucky seems to be the highest in average price vehicle sold with demand in clean titled cars

The highest average price of cars available for purchase is in Kentucky, this could be factored due to the number of clean titled luxury cars availability for sale in the state

Cars with clean titled cars are priced higher than cars with salvage title

Some states with lower average price of vehicle sold (below $15.000) are mostly dominated with salvage titled cars, this is because of salvage titled cars are cheaper than clean titled cars, showing purchasing power of people in these states are lower than the other states

Effect of Mileage on Vehicle Prices(Based of 2499 cars sold via auction)


This data set is comparing mileage and price of vehicle per brand

The X-axis represents the average mileage per vehicle brand

The Y-axis represents the average price per vehicle brand


This visualization is used to see if there’s any effect of a vehicle’s mileage towards its price

Horizontal bars eased the comparison process so we can see the correlation easier between mileage and vehicle price

The text tables helped to aid the horizontal bars to compare data numerically


Based on drawing conclusion on vehicle mileage and its correlation to sales price alone, it is shown that vehicles with larger mileage are averagely lower in price compared to vehicles with less mileage

Vehicle that have lower mileage tends to be sold at a higher price

The demographic of vehicle that covered more than 100.000 miles are priced

below $10.000

Even though there’s a correlation shown in this research that vehicles with more mileage tends to be priced cheaper, there are more factors that aren’t included in this research such as brand image and reliability

The correlation could also be factored based on the condition of each vehicle in this sample, higher mileage cars could be more weathered down compared to lower mileage cars that couldn’t be factored in this research

Type of vehicle could also factor in this chart

Correlation Between Vehicle Age and Color Towards Price(Based of 2499 cars sold via auction)


This data set is comparing vehicle registration year and vehicle color towards price

The X-axis on the line chart represents the color of vehicle

The Y-axis on the line chart represents the average price per vehicle color

The X-axis on the packed bubble the year of manufacturing

The Y-axis on the packed bubble represents the average price per vehicle year


This visualization is used to see if there’s any effect between a vehicle price and its color, and a vehicle price and its manufacturing year

The line chart is used to distinguish the trend of vehicle sold with each color

The packed bubble is used to show the correlation between a vehicle price and its manufacturing year, the bigger the bubble the higher its averagely marketed


Based on the visualization we can conclude the following:

o There are trends of vehicle painted in monochrome colors (black, white, silver) being offered at higher average prices, this showed consumer pattern in purchasing vehicles in monochrome colors more than brave colors such as gold, green, or purple

o Vehicle in red and blue are in more demand than other vibrant colors

o There are a possible correlation between a vehicle price and its manufacturing date, the average vehicle price gets averagely lower, descending from 2020

o There is an explanation why the vehicle from 1973 may be priced higher, being the sample is a single unit with a low mileage may explain that this vehicle is a collector’s item, and it doesn’t correlate to the average vehicle being tested

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