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Research Paper Writing Help, Master thesis Writing Help, Master Dissertation Help | Realcode4you has the excellent team to write your research paper related to Master Program. Here we have write research paper in all report writing standard format like APA7, IEEE and simple word document file.

Why you choose expert team to write the research paper:

  • Below 10 percent plagiarism issue as per research standard

  • Experts has ability to write long report(up to 10k words)

  • Experienced expert in related domain

  • Deliver More than 1k research paper without any issues

  • Cheap price compare to other resources

  • Ability to write implementation from scratch

Below the some sample of research papers that successfully completed by our experts in last year.

Sample Research Paper 1

Topic - Grammarinator-Open-Source-Fuzzer


Fuzzing, or random testing, is an increasingly popular testing technique. The strength of this approach lies in its ability to generate many helpful test cases without consuming costly human resources. In addition, randomness can often create anomalies that are not perceptible to human testers. In this report, we introduce Grammarinator, a general-purpose test generator capable of using existing parsing grammars as a template. Since the model can act as both an analyzer and a generator, this tool can provide the capabilities of generation based and mutation-based dimmers. The presented device is actively used to test various JavaScript engines and has found more than 100 unique issues.

Sample Research Paper 2

Topic - Book Depository to get insights on the Trends


We start the discussion with the introduction of the books and importance of printing. We discuss its usage in our everyday life whether nowadays we go for an online pdf books and journal even more. This is just as great as it can be. Then we do the background check about the printing of things and transferring this information through printing on clays and then woods stuffs and then finally to woodblock printing happening in Europe at around 15th century. Then we tell our aims and objectives that we will be following as our guiding teacher for this research. It is followed by Methods that we use in our research including importing of datasets, analysing its basic properties. Then data cleaning is done along with preprocessing. Which is not just limited to dropping columns with huge percentage nan values but also making the datatypes uniform the columns. If there is a numpy array in form of a string, it is handled with the help of python libraries. Then we add a new feature called Year from the existing feature publication-date. It is used to plot and see how different categories or genres of each book vary as time/year passes. Finally the use of ML algorithm to cluster our vectorized form to form some clusters. Keywords—machine learning algorithms, forming clusters, data analysis, data cleaning, ML Algorithms, Data Science, Charts and Graphs with matlplotlib

Sample Research Paper 3

Topic - Image Segmentation Using U-Net and Mask R-CNN


The U-Net model is based on Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) where CNN is capable of handling high dimensional raw data through convolutions. U-Net is capable of combining and concatenating multi-scale features to detect and segment objects. The Mask R-CNN model is based on regression networks to detect and segment objects. Mask RCNN is capable of handling high dimensional input data through convolutions. Mask R-CNN is capable of refining the detection result through semantic segmentation. A brief comparison and analysis on both models is presented.

Sample Research Paper 4

Topic - Student Allocation System


In the last year of their studies toward an undergraduate degree, students in many different degree programs are obliged to finish projects as an integral component of the necessary curriculum that they have been following throughout their studies. Students will be able to generate a list of acceptable project possibilities by reading project descriptions, and from that list, they will either explicitly or implicitly choose a project based on their own preferences. This will allow students to demonstrate their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Students will be able to have a greater sense of ownership over the project selection process as a result of this. Their is the possibility of there being a limit placed on the number of students who are permitted to take part in a project or on the number of students that a professor is ready to oversee.

Sample Research Paper 5

Topic - Flood Damage Analysis Using machine Learning


Around the world, flooding is considered a recurring disaster that affects lives and economies to a great extent. India’s flood damage statistics run into billions of dollars every year. Therefore, flood risk management in which risk is measured in terms of damage (value of cost) is critical to reducing the annual loss of people and property. Most studies are based on water depth used as the sole variable to model flood damage. The maximum total damage is 4.6 million Dollar . The damage of the first floor is the largest of all, accounting for 85 percent of the total damage. The damage of the second floor is much smaller than that of the first floor. The damage of the third and fourth floors is in the range of 1-3 percent of the total damage. The total value of losses can be divided into two parts, namely, water damage loss and flood damages.

Sample Research Paper 6

Topic - Stock Market Prediction


We start the discussion with the introduction of the stocks and its importance. We discuss its usage in our everyday life whether nowadays whether we should be the one who tries to follow this stuff or stay away from the risks. We then discuss a brief background of stock markets and its rise and fall timelines over the recent history. Then we go to the coding part and talk about cleaning and preprocessing the data. We analyse the open, close, high and low and adjusted close stock prices and how to they change over years, and even weekdays. We plot the aggregations of medians of volume traded in a year and how the troubles of The Great Recession, covid19 and the Russia Ukraine War affect the stock market values. Finally we use 4 models for our ML work, that is stock market price prediction. We go for exponential moving average, Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression and Long Short-Term Memory deep neural networks.

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