Machine learning is a group of algorithm which is used to find the accurate outcome and predicted the outcome as per given input.
We are providing machine learning services from last 3+ year, and our developer work on machine learning different - different technologies and also working on different types of framework and algorithm like keras, neural network, linear regression, logistic regression, etc.
Machine Learning Technologies which is offered by our team
Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
Are you need help in ML Algorithms
Linear regression which is about predicting a continuous value given the input. Like given the house dimensions, output the price.
Artificial neural network (ANN) which is an ensemble of processing nodes arranged in a layer-by-layer manner.
Logistic regression for two all more categories. It is essentially a single layered ANN where by each node in the layer represents a specific category in which the data can be classified.
K means clustering which produces k centroids from the data.
Agglomerative clustering which can produce a variable number of centroids depending on the cut off threshold.
Self organizing map (SOM) which results in a map of neurons such that the neurons that are physically close together also fire on similar stimuli. This can resemble k means if the nodes are small in number.
Support vector machine (SVM) which is about learning a maximum margin hyperplane.
Kernel SVM which extends the linear maximum margin hyperplane to non-linearly separable problems using the kernel trick.
And many more.