In the next steps, you will add a new widget that is a Plain Text (EditText) and make some changes on the text Mobile Technologies when the app is running. These changes will be done in Java so you need to give the TextView widget an id and use this id to modify the TextView widget at runtime.
1. Open Id attribute of the TextView widget (Mobile Technologies) and add textViewOutput as seen below (click on the TextView to see its attributes)
2. Add a Plain Text (EditText) widget to the middle of the main activity as follows (drag the EditText around until you see a vertical line in the middle then drop it).
3. Change its constraints and other attributes (textSize, input type, id and hint) as seen below (click on the Plain Text to see its attributes)
4. Add a Button widget to the Layout Editor and make constraints as follows. Change id and text attributes of the Button widget as seen below (click on the Plain Text to see its attribute.
5. Run the app to see the design on the emulator in both portrait and landscape modes. It shows that you need to redesign the UI in landscape mode
6. To redesign the UI in landscape mode, use Windows Explorer to open the res folder as seen below. Select the layout folder then use Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v to make a copy of this folder and rename it to layout-land (no white space included in this name).
7. Now back to Android Studio, expand activity_main in the layout folder then double click the activity_main.xml (land) to open it. Click on the TextView widget then change its top constraint from 160dp to 32dp (you can change more attributes). Run the project.