1. Stop running the project. On the emulator, swipe up to see the list of installed apps in this phone. You can find this app with the green android icon (the app name is still Week 2 App).

In the next steps, you will create a new icon with your own image file, then use it as the app icon.
2. Right click on the mipmap folder, select New then Image Asset as follows.

3. Click on the browse button in the text box for Path then browse to your own image file (it is dogs.jpg in the screenshot below). Change ic_launcher to your own name (it is ic_dogs here). Click Next then click Finish

4. You will see the new icons in the mipmap folder. Open AndroidManifest.xml and change ic_launcher to your own icon name (it is ic_dogs_round here).

5. Run your project and stop it. Swipe up on the emulator screen to find the new icon for this app