Top Machine Learning Mathematics topic to learn AI. In this you will learn top mathematics topics which help to understand mathematics concept with the help of machine learning. Below the list of topic:
Linear Algebra
Vectors definition, scalars, addition, scalar multiplication, inner product(dot product), vector projection, cosine similarity, orthogonal vectors, normal and orthonormal vectors, vector norm, vector space, linear combination, linear span, linear independence, basis vectors
Matrices definition, addition, transpose, scalar multiplication, matrix multiplication, matrix multiplication properties, hadamard product, functions, linear transformation, determinant, identity matrix, invertible matrix and inverse, rank, trace, popular type of matrices- symmetric, diagonal, orthogonal, orthonormal, positive definite matrix
Eigenvalues & eigenvectors concept, intuition, significance, how to find
Principle component analysis concept, properties, applications
Singular value decomposition concept, properties, applications
Scalar derivative definition, intuition, common rules of differentiation, chain rule, partial derivatives
Gradient concept, intuition, properties, directional derivative
Vector and matrix calculus how to find derivative of {scalar-valued, vector-valued} function wrt a {scalar, vector} -> four combinations- Jacobian
Gradient algorithms local/global maxima and minima, saddle point, convex functions, gradient descent algorithms- batch, mini-batch, stochastic, their performance comparison
Basic rules and axioms events, sample space, frequentist approach, dependent and independent events, conditional probability
Random variables- continuous and discrete, expectation, variance, distributions- joint and conditional
Bayes’ Theorem, MAP, MLE
Popular distributions- binomial, bernoulli, poisson, exponential, gaussian
Conjugate priors
Other Topic
Information theory- entropy, cross-entropy, KL divergence, mutual information
Markov Chain- definition, transition matrix, stationarity
Statistics for Machine Learning
In this we will learn list of mathematics for machine learning which help to understand basic to advanced use of of machine learning in mathematics, if you are face any other issue or need any assignment related help then you can directly send your quote so we can help you as soon as we can.
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