First Download latest version of JDK in your system go through this link and download JDK according to your Operating System. Like in my case I have downloaded version of JDK 9.0.4 in our case.
Now install click on executable JDK and then just click as its says and plz don’t change the location of downloads -C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4 and now You have to set system environmental like this ..

Click on System Variable no click on edit then first place semicolon then paste your jdk bin path like this - ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9.0.4\bin

Now check whether java installed or not then press window key+r and then type cmd and then type javac if seems like this then your java is installed in your system.

Now go to this website for download android studio.
System requirement for android studio.
Ram min 4 max -8 gb
Processor min core i3
Whether its 32 Bit or 64 Bit
1. Choose Don’t import Settings
2. Then choose another folder for donloading sdk because its give an alert message than NDK tools can’t be run properly if u save the path which contains space.
Now u must have proper internet connection on your device to run android application.
1. Select empty activity
2. And just do next
3. And finaly u will get main project and wait until project sync when u will get green play button then it means project will synched.
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